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Get your fantasy league talking

GameDayBot joins your league’s group chat and sends messages throughout the week to keep the conversation flowing.

Supported League Platforms
ESPN Public Leagues
ESPN Private Leagues
Sleeper Leagues (Coming Soon)

Supported Messaging Platforms

Power Rankings

Power rankings based on quality of wins, points scored, and margins of victory. Also, projected playoff chances

Weekly Trophies

Trophies given out include highest score, lowest score, biggest blowout, closest game, luckiest team, unluckiest team, overachieving team, and underachieving team, best manager, and worst manager

Close Scores

Matchups to keep an eye on that are within 15 projected points going into Monday Night Football

Scoreboard Updates

Stay up-to-date on how each matchup is going with scoreboard updates throughout gamedays

Players to Monitor

Players to watch on Sunday morning who are in starting lineups that are Questionable, Doubtful, Out


Reminder of who’s playing who, sent before Thursday Night Football kicks off


Brag with the most up-to-date standings after the football week has completed

Waiver Report

Find out what players were added and dropped on the waivers overnight